Saturday, January 30, 2010

Absolute MMA's Student Highlight

Every month we’re going to be introducing you to a different member of Team Absolute. For those that don’t train at the gym regularly, we want you to learn some familiar faces before coming in, and for the regulars on the mat; we hope this will help you to learn more about your teammates. This month we’re going to share a little about Terrell Sanders AKA “T-Bone.”

Terrell has been training for about one year, and found our gym through a friend at work. He was interested in learning to fight Mixed Martial Arts, and based upon his friend’s recommendation, he gave our gym a try. After one week, he was hooked and is now a permanent fixture on the team.

Since starting at Absolute MMA he has been participating in almost everything we have to offer: Behring Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Kettlebells, and wrestling. Before training he had never participated in Martial Arts, but was doing bodybuilding and some light cardio, now he has serious aspirations to become a MMA fighter, and is constantly trying to learn new things from Rob and the other instructors at the gym. Terrell is constantly improving his skills by sparring, and just received his first two stripes on his white belt during Grand Master Flavio Behring’s visit. When I asked Terrell to describe the atmosphere at Absolute MMA the way he would to someone that has never trained at our facility he described it as a place that is a little bit of “heaven and hell.” He qualifies this statement by explaining that he has never felt so proud as he does when he accomplishes something new in the gym, whether it is a new submission, or improvement on his kicks, but each improvement is preceded by a lot of hard work and dedication. Regardless of how hard it may be to accomplish certain tasks, Terrell has an optimistic outlook and a positive attitude that is omnipresent during training.

Terrell has recently embarked on his educational career at the Salt Lake Community College and hopes to graduate and start his own fight brand and franchise one day. When Terrell isn’t at the gym he’s hanging out with his buddies or studying. We can always count on him for some good laughs after a hard day of training, and the Team wouldn’t be complete without this awesome athlete.

-this is a monthly addition written by Chelsea Kilpack. Thank you Chelsea!

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